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Who We Are

   We are P.I.O.T. Paranormal. Our name stands for "Paranormal Investigations & Observations Team". Our team was founded on March 2nd, 2011. What started as a weekend hobby has since turned into a devoted passion. P.I.O.T. has undergone many investigations, including residential, abandoned, business, & historic properties. We are proud of how far we have come & where we are going. Our team began like many paranormal teams; with cheap equipment, faulty methods, being easily frightened, & so on. To this day, we have rectified our team with new techniques, innovative equipment, & by not being as easily frightened. We have dedicated ourselves to the paranormal field not only for the thrills of discovering the unknown, but to uncover the true answers of the spiritual world. We do so through critical observation & bold interaction.



   From 2011-2012, we were at our amateur stage. Attempting to understand the paranormal world & what it meant to be a paranormal team. Being we had just formed our team & jumped right into the spectral world with little to no knowledge... little did we know just how serious & dangerous paranormal investigating could be. There were plenty of trials & errors, plug n’ play tactics, & revisions that we all went through; as a team & as individuals. From 2013-2014, P.I.O.T. began to grow, not just as a team, but as an organization. We had achieved the task of creating a safe & effective foundation for our paranormal team. Being that our team now knew how to investigate & how to apply ourselves, we began to conduct more investigations & reach out to the public. We then titled ourselves as a community organization to form a connection with our local communities, fellow paranormal teams, & even organizations that support the paranormal field. This "time-frame" was crucial & proved quite important to us. Our team quickly flourished with new knowledge of the supernatural, methods, locations, events, & so much more. These milestones inspired our team to become who & what we are to this very day.



   The years of 2015-2018, turned out to be the most essential time for our team's growth & development. At this point, we were searching for new opportunities to expand our outreach within the paranormal community. The development of our new structure required the team to become more proactive by connecting with our local communities & establishments. Late 2016-early 2017 marked a new beginning for P.I.O.T. Our team had undergone many transpiring alterations, which involved new investigations, new colleagues, sponsors, events, paranormal radio shows, & much more! Our team has gone further than we had ever anticipated. We are proud of what we had to overcome, of who we have become, & where we are going. Anyone can be successful & recover from the worst situation. You just have to apply yourself & dust off the negativity that is trying to keep you down.



   On October 2nd, 2018 we launched our paranormal talk show, "The Para Connection". What started as a project podcast, later turned into a well structured program. The goal of The Para Connection is to literally connect people together. We speak with people from all over the world with different backgrounds, beliefs, & experiences... all having one similar goal. That goal being to find answers correlating to the paranormal world. Our show has helped many individuals find answers & peace. Through the show we are able to empower people not to be afraid of the spiritual dimension, but rather, learn how to embrace it. There is one attribute that we proudly provide from our show. That key element is being able to reach people & knowing that they no longer feel alone or helpless. All are welcome on our show. Even if you have not had a supernatural experience... simply bring a topic that you are intrigued by. Together we are able to overcome & understand the impossible.



   To present day, we continue to help those in need & advise those new to the paranormal field. P.I.O.T. is a community organization. We do not require payment to conduct investigations or similar services. We do except donations & welcome potential sponsors to support our organization. We thoroughly conduct each investigation & each case researched extensively. From local residents to the history of a location... we consider all factors to be valuable in our research. Being a community organization requires us to be more dedicated than ever before. Now we involve ourselves not only with our local communities, but far beyond. We have received many requests for residential investigations, public seminars explaining our team & the paranormal, & collaborating with paranormal events & shows. It is truly exciting to not only work with our community, but to explore new locations & cultures as a whole. We no longer investigate for the mere excitement... we now investigate to expand our goals & cause. A change that has been truly inspiring & self defining.



   Our goal is to help anyone, anywhere, that truly needs help from supernatural occurrences. Whether it's yourself, the reader, or someone that you may know. We want you to realize that our team is dedicated to assist anyone that has found themselves in a situation that they wish not to be in. We help those in dire need of assistance. No matter how dangerous or how silly the situation may seem. We will discover answers together & do our very best to provide a  permanent solution. Over the years that we have conducted investigations, we have made great friends with amazing support. We have several teams that we collaborate with at the ready to assist us with any paranormal situation. We also work with an ordained exorcist for the truly severe “cases”. Our team does not act alone. We act as a strong family that builds as one in order to understand, discover, & share the truth of the unknown.

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